Childhood Communication Consultancy liaises with multi-professionals such as sensory integration (sensory processing) Occupational therapists, Educational psychologists, and also includes Education staff to effect change for the child to reach his/her learning potential and life goals. Depending on the child’s needs, therapy sessions are individual or may be in small groups of about 3 children to develop their social use of language skills.

The Speech and Language therapist is available to do training for Education staff and liaise on Individual Education Plans

We offer services for the following:

Childhood Communication Services

  • Attention and Listening skills
  • Developmental Speech & Language Delay
  • Voice Disorders
  • Stammering
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Auditory Processing Difficulties/Disorders
  • Specific Language Impairment
  • Word Finding Difficulties
  • Semantic-Pragmatic Disorders
  • Social Communication Difficulties/Disorders
  • Working Memory (Cogmed programme)
  • Sensory Processing & Anxiety/Anger; Think Good – Speak Good – Feel Good Program (CBT)
  • Joint Clinics with a Paediatric Occupational Therapist for Sensory Integration / Processing & Developmental
  • Co-ordination Disorders (D.C.D) / Dyspraxia: Basic Assessment & Treatment
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorders/Aspergers
  • Selective Mutism
  • Play Interactions
  • Literacy/Dyslexia: Reading, Spelling & Writing Difficulties
  • Communication needs for Learning Disabilities
  • Language: Understanding & Using Words & Sentences, Delay & Disorders
  • Social-Emotional Communication group therapy sessions
  • Parent support meetings
  • Staff and parent training sessions
  • Support at Individual Education Review meetings
  • Skype therapy sessions when appropriate for clients

For enquiries and appointments, call or email Jacqui Wright